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What happens when the cone crusher suddenly stops working? And how do we do that?


Cone crusher host suddenly stopped, commonly known as“Boring car.”. I believe many people have encountered such a situation. “Stuffy car” is one of the faults that may occur in the work of cone crusher. Do you know the reasons and precautions? Today we will talk about cone crusher“Boring car” how to solve the topic!

Causes of cone crusher“Boring car” there are the following reasons:

1. The voltage is too low or too high

When the voltage is unstable or too low, it is easy to force the cone crusher to protect itself and stop suddenly. Therefore, after the boot, the operator must check whether the voltage is normal.

Solution: pay attention to the voltage situation, maintain voltage stability.

2. The outlet is blocked

In the production process of cone crusher, feeding too much or uneven will lead to outlet blocking, resulting in cone crusher production load is too large, fuses, resulting in shutdown.

Solution: Start the machine, check the cone crusher outlet whether there is residue plug. If so, it should be cleaned immediately. At the same time, attention should be paid to the even particle size of the input materials, not too much or too little.

3.The belt is too loose

Cone crusher is to rely on the transmission of power belt. If the belt in the driving groove is too loose, it will cause the belt to slip, can not provide enough power for the machine to work normally, causing the cone crusher to stop suddenly.

Solution: check the belt tightness is appropriate, and reasonable adjustment to prevent too tight or too loose.

4.The eccentric shaft is stuck

When the setting bushing of the eccentric shaft is loose or falls off, there is no clearance on both sides of the bearing block of the frame, and the eccentric shaft is stuck and can not rotate normally. At this time, the cone crusher will suddenly stop, appear“Stuck” situation.

Solution: pay attention to the position of eccentric bearing sleeve to prevent jam.

5. Bearing damage.

Bearing is a very important component of cone crusher, which plays a role in reducing the friction coefficient in the working process. If the bearing is damaged, other parts will not work properly, resulting in a sudden shutdown.

Solution: pay attention to daily maintenance, bearing is extremely important, and it is necessary to do a good job lubrication, reduce wear.

The above is the cone crusher appear“Stuffy car” phenomenon and solutions, if you need to know more cone crusher situation please contact our technical staff or online customer service.

cone crusher